Lowest interest rate for residential projects
Lowest residential interest Rate
Source: https://www.cleanenergyregulator.gov.au/DocumentAssets/Pages/REC-Registry-API-specifications.aspx
15-40kW: Australia’s Top 10 Small Commercial Retailers by Installation Volume
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comparison rate 7.79% *
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Let us financially enable your customers!
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Solar Nerds is brought to you by Solaris Finance. We have been working with solar vendors since 2016, offering easy and secure financing.
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We partner with over 20 of Australia’s most reliable and agile financial institutions to deliver the right finance solution for your project and your customer.
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comparison rate 7.79% *
With offer like that your customers won’t hesitate!
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Easy 4-steps
Just 4 steps
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Secure more projects by letting us financially enable your customers!
Let us financially enable your customers!
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Just 4 steps
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*Comparison Rates based on $30,000 green loan repaid over 60 months. WARNING: This comparison rate is true only for the example given and may not include all fees and charges. Different terms, fees or other loan amounts might result in a different comparison rate.
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